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“Ariosto, così pieno d’amore per la vita, così realista, così uomo (…) egli ci insegna come l’intelligenza viva anche, e soprattutto, di fantasia, d’ironia, d’accuratezza formale, come nessuna di queste doti sia fine a se stessa ma come esse possano entrare a far parte d’una concezione del mondo, possano servire a meglio valutare virtù e vizi umani. Tutte lezioni attuali, necessarie oggi, nell’epoca dei cervelli elettronici e dei voli spaziali. È un’energia volta verso l’avvenire, ne sono sicuro, non verso il passato, quella che muove Orlando, Angelica, Ruggero, Bradamante, Astolfo…”

I.Calvino, Una pietra sopra, Milano, Mondadori, 1995, pagina 66

“Ariosto, so full of love for life, so realist, so human (...) teaches us how intelligence lives, also and above all, on imagination, irony, formal accuracy, and how none of these qualities is an end in itself but can become part of a conception of the world, serving to better evaluate human virtues and vices. All current lessons, necessary today, in the age of electronic brains and space flights. It is an energy aimed towards the future, I'm sure, not towards the past, that moves Orlando, Angelica, Ruggero, Bradamante, Astolfo.”

Translation by Guido Pedretti

We drive electric cars, visionary people are about to make travels to Mars possible, we have welcomed AI in our lives (even if with some worries), and it looks like these things will project us toward the future. A future that, however, we want to warm with our humanity, creativity, and fantasy/imagination: it can't be any other way than this. In order for this to happen, we have to bring our heritage into the future. The tales are our most important heritage, which sustained us in the centuries and allowed us to imagine electric cars, travels on Mars, and artificial intelligences before creating them. The tales are at the root of humankind; through them, our future blossoms. 

Mythos means “word, tale, speech.” 


Meet means “encounter” and “come to know someone or something”




Why do we say that a movie “entered into the myth” when it is among the greatest movies in the history of cinema? Often, it is because the story the movie tells follows the pattern of tales that have accompanied us for thousands of years even if we were not aware of them.  Here, I meet and tell you  what these stories are. You will find out that they exist in all cultures, and are at the basis of your favorite movies. The importance of these stories that became myths defined us since the dawn of civilization, and will inevitably be a part of our future.

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